How To Overcome A Zombie Pension Plan
One of the questions we are always asked here at RBJ Financial Group is… “The world is coming to an end, doom and gloom are around every corner, the zombie apocalypse is coming whatdoitdowhatdoido!!!”
One of the questions we are always asked here at RBJ Financial Group is… “The world is coming to an end, doom and gloom are around every corner, the zombie apocalypse is coming whatdoitdowhatdoido!!!”
There are so many complex systems that we interact with each and every day… Your car… Your smartphone… Chances are you have no real and concrete understanding of how either really works.
Trading seems so easy… You find a stock worth investing in, buy some and sit back to let the profits build up… Unlike most money making processes, there is no digging, building, making… You just push some buttons and make some money…
Investing is all about money. Money being productive in its own right, producing gains that can then be used for other things in your life. But in an all too common paradox in trading what seems right, normal and correct, in fact is the EXACT OPPOSITE from what you need to do…
We have all heard the statistics put forth in articles, forums, and industry gatherings . 90% of traders fail… 80% fail after 6 months… Of those who make money, 70% are broke after 3 years.. What’s real?
I was born 20 years too late… When I first got bitten by the market bug in the early 90’s… I started off as many do with the culturally accepted and “conservative” fundamental analysis approach to stock market investment. It took a few years, but I began to realize that this “buy and hope” style…
Let’s examine a classic bell curve… Then think about the top 1% “tail” at each extreme in terms of trading and investing profits…
One of the toughest concepts for people to grasp… Is how we can achieve such consistent high win rates in a market that the rest of the trading world universally declares as “terrible”. The secret is simple…
In poker terminology, a “leak” is a error in behavior that causes you to “leak” your winnings from previous gains back into the pot. One of the most common leaks I have seen throughout my career as a trading tutor, mentor and edge consultant is the misunderstanding of how position sizing affects account volatility and…
When I saw this line in a recent article from the Wall Street Journal I was a bit shocked! “With one big exception I’ll discuss later, trading is dying…It’s not coming back, guys, so maybe you should learn a useful trade like being a plumber or electrician. I’m serious.” You can READ THE ARTICLE HERE,…