How Does Investing With RBJ Financial Group 
Compare With Other Investment Opportunities?
Utilizing 3D Apex Predictive Failure Technology™


9 Elements of Extraordinary Low Risk

That RBJ Financial Group Offers

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Other Investment Opportunities
(Financial Markets,
Real Estate,
Business Opportunity)

1. You are liquid (All Cash) anytime you want and need


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2. No overnight risk (Events occur while you sleep easy)


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3. No lockups, no long-term obligations or commitments


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4. You do not give custody of your money to anyone
» Nobody has access to your capital except for you «


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5. You can override investment transactions at any moment


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6. Downside risk is limited to 2%-3% of the full investment
» Yet you still leverage 100% of your investment account «


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7. You do not need to engage or manage anything
» Totally hands-free (No effort needed from you) «


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8. Investment Managers risk their own money on each investment position they take (They do this for a living for themselves and are not dependent on anyone else's participation - you are essentially being given the opportunity to mirror their performance)


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9. There are no fees for service unless a minimum (above-average) ROI benchmark is achieved each month (The minimum monthly ROI is 1% which offers the potential to receive over 12% annually fee-free...Nothing hidden, no surprises - Click Here For Details)


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See Our Firm's Investment Philosophy

Our Firm's Investment Philosophy:

We Take No Financial Position Before Its Time.

Our firm's proprietary technology and approach produces double-digit returns, but with the safety, stability, and low volatility of the controlled risk profile expected from fixed income investments such as bonds or annuities.

3D Apex Predictive Failure Technology™ makes it possible to confidently profit from short-term liquidity imbalances in the financial markets within the trading day. This approach gives us the opportunity to reap the benefits that come with the avoidance of any overnight risk.

The paradigm shift 3D Apex Predictive Failure Technology™ creates, allows us to routinely target high probability outcomes with extremely low risk without sacrificing above-average returns.

We do not trade to reach some predetermined monthly ROI. Our Investment Managers use 3D Apex Predictive Failure Technology™ to signal an optimal moment in the market which has a high probability outcome for success. This signal to execute a position in the markets, may happen two or three times a day or as infrequently as two or three times a quarter.

We have proven that less is more. Despite the ever-changing market conditions, our patient and disciplined proprietary approach has produced above average performance with dependable consistency, while limiting exposure to uncertainty and previously considered "unavoidable" downturns.